Edinburgh Trams

Ok, so I'm late to the party. In fact, I'm actually so late all the guests have left and there are just some empty bottles of beer and pieces of pizza crust lying all over the coffee table.

But yes, this is my first experience of seeing a tram in Edinburgh. Still haven't been on one (as they don't really go anywhere I'd want to go?) but I've seen them in the flesh. I've even taken a video of one passing by.

Claire and I went up to do some shopping in the city centre, something we haven't done in a LONG time! I managed to get a nice new case for my iPhone (as I'm generally quite clumsy so needed one), and Claire got some new threads for wearing in Florida next month.

A successful day, we even bought a fancy new 'non-stick' soup pot and made a batch of potato and leak soup!

That's what Sundays are all about...

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