
By sue2014bs

Smoke on the water.....

but luckily 'no fire in the sky'.

Early start this morning to meet a few other minders to walk the thirteen mile Boundary of Maidenhead to raise a little cash for charity.

Weather was wonderful, great company too. Its a really well organised event with drinks and bickies at every check point. Lollipop people to guide you across the duel carriageways and a map with instructions for the directional challenged among us. Blip was taken about 9.10 just along from Boulters lock.

Orla had a 'jawbone' which recorded 30,130 steps in four hours and four minutes. I love statistics <3

After a relaxing bath I sat and watched Genesis; Together & Apart on iplayer. How fantastic were those guys! I might be catching up on a few old cd's this week, love their early albums.

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