Foodie Photo Shoot

Favourite flavours,
Chocolate and banana;
Some yummy muffins.

I don't call these muffins, muffins are the huge thing you get in coffee shops...Nigella calls them muffins though and so that is what they are :)

Have been looking for a new chocolatey recipe to try in preparation for National Chocolate Week, I thought I'd settled on a brownie thing using almond butter instead of peanut but then I noticed the bananas looking decidedly over-ripe and rethought my search!

Another Nigella success despite me making my free from alterations. Very pleased :)

Much better day than yesterday but still didn't get this morning's F1 watched until lunchtime. Keep checking the news for Jules Bianchi updates...God willing he'll be fine, these drivers are awfully fit but the conditions were awfully inclement.

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