
By Technophobe

Copper Kettle

I'm always seeing photography courses aimed at getting you OFF auto and onto .... whatever. CoffeePotter and I thought it would be a good idea to go to one of these but I've never even got onto auto with a proper camera as I haven't got one . So I borrowed LooseCanon's Sony and went along to the course. The tutor was totally dismissive of anything auto so I think I've skipped that stage and got onto aperture priority.  Well being Technophobe and a technophobe and not being familiar with the camera it was as they say, a steep learning curve. I don't  know whether to be pleased because I've learnt something or totally disheartened as I realise how much there is to learn. 
Anyway now I can take a picture of my foot in focus with a blurred background or the background in focus with a blurred foot or all of it in focus. 
I did vow to take all my pictures for a year using only an iPhone but today and for one day only, this picture of these lovely copper pots and pans on a window ledge at Coughton Court where we did the course, was taken with a proper camera.

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