New Flower

We've been quite lucky in getting our orchids to produce new flower shoots. The north facing bathroom window sill. I was wandering around wondering what to blip when I noticed the partially open flower on a new shoot. I have normally blipped them fully open but I liked the cup shape of this stage.

The hospital visit was a bit easier today in some ways. The Mother's requests were easier to go along with, some paper and a book had "gone missing" and I couldn't find them either! Even The Doctor assisted by saying she would go and find out what had happened to them.

I managed to persuade The Mother to put her hearing aids in and I kept putting the oxygen mask back over her face. She is back on a saline drip and another for her "water pill" as the oedema is coming back due to her refusal to take her meds.

Her body cannot maintain satisfactory O2 levels without the mask nor can she keep a normal temperature, she is down below 35° again. The nurse brought another blanket and I suggested we put The Mother into her bed jacket to keep the rest of her warm.

She was sleeping peacefully as I left.

I forgot to say - I had an unexpected trip to Scotland today! There was a charity run on in the city today so I thought I'd avoid it by using the motorway and the city bypass. The main place the bypass goes to is Workington and it wasn't shown on the motorway junction sign for northbound traffic!

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