A wild night

We got up at 5am to milk, after a bit of a restless night, due to the howling wind that was blowing. This, along with the torrential rain that was falling, made me want to stay in bed. However, the cows still needed milking, so I crawled out, got dressed into my wet weather gear, and headed up to the cowshed. The temperature outside at 5am was 14 degrees, so wasn't exactly cold, which surprised me.

When it became daylight, the damage from the wind, to our shed, became evident. It had lost a quarter of its roofing iron, had lost some of its spouting, and the fertiliser stored in the shed was wet. We have the insurance assessor coming tomorrow to have a look, as we need to get a builder in asap to get it fixed.

It was lovely to have T (TMLhereandthere) pop in on her way South today. It was nice to catch up with you T - enjoy your time away - and next time you call, I hope it will be fine so you can have a look around the farm.

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