"As good as any man"

I've had a good day. Most of it has been spent in a boat and it started well before daylight.

We watched squalls of snow sweep across Otematata and Lake Aviemore further down the Waitaki Valley. We had a couple of sun shower snow flurries but avoided the really rough stuff. It was cold, sometimes windy, sometimes calm. It was utterly beautiful.

I've had an excellent day, backing boats into water (albeit with plenty of instruction to keep me straight), clambering in and out securing the boat, winching the boat off and onto the trailer, occasionally steering the boat and of course fishing.

A delightful 87 year old remarked I was "as good as any man". The others told Richard to tell me but he was concerned I'd feel he was taking away my femininity.

Not at all, he was telling me I'm easy to be with, practical and able to do things like tie knots and use knives. It was a compliment and no sleight on my womanhood.

I just kept this one Rainbow Trout today. I released the other 14 fish I caught. And all day I lived in the moment without a thought of house or work.

A great day :-)

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