Shona J

By Iana

I won!!!

First time ever I won, never before done until tonight and for a change it was not me that done it (I was Mr Green), it was Mr Peacock in the Living Room with the Lead Pipe.

Went shoe shopping so my feet no longer get wet in the Autumn/winter weather.

D came to stay so had a nice chat with G as he dropped D off. D has the longest loom band, band i have seen so far its about 100 yards long and all different colours (really should have bliped that but got carried away with games).

Went for a walk with D and Thron. We all then pilled into the car and went for a drive to Lochfoot, Roukin Falls, Glenkiln, Cluden Rocks and back home. To feed the dogs and play some games a number one that i cant remember the name of. Then it was time for dinner and Cluedo and i won.

Hope you had a good Saturday :0)

Shona :0)x

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