
By Saffi

Jacob ewes

Busy day today. On the way back from the supermarket and driving through the village I suddenly espied four young Gloucester Old Spots trotting happily along towards the pub! It was quite easy getting them back over the road with a little help and behind a closed gate, they were so tame! The road is quite a rat run and there might have been a nasty accident for them.

Later I let our neighbour's very large dog out twice as E and C are away today. The first time we walked round their large garden and visited these sheep over the fence. She took little notice of them. The second time we were just coming back through the garden from the field when Z saw two people walking over the lawn. Help, I thought, will I be able to stop her from accosting them! Fortunately the two Americans from California were used to large dogs and Z was quite happy with them. They were bed and breakfasters who had arrived early.

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