Which Came First, The Egg Or The Cake?

Day 268 of 365. It was my brother's day to make cakes for work. Unfortunately, while starting to mix his ingredients for the cakes he realised there was a small problem - a lack of eggs! By the time he realised this it was 9.50 and the supermarket up the road closed at 10 precisely. Luckily, I still had my superfast (!) running shoes on so I ran as quickly as I could up to the store. When I got there I think I was just about the last customer in the shop and frantically asked, a little too loudly, "WHERE ARE THE EGGS?".
For some unknown reason I let the woman working on the till (the only one left open) that I actually only needed the one egg. She looked at me strangely for some reason!
It all worked out, though - the cake, when baked, was perfect.

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