A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

To Do..

This morning, after Rory left to go back to work, I set about making myself a to do list of everything I need to do before the girls arrive tomorrow...and boy is it a big list.

A mixture of uni tasks and random bits and bobs (change bed etc), I got cracking and by the end of the day I'd made quite a dent. A few things I put off until tomorrow as it's been chucking it down all day and I didn't fancy venturing out into the rain to post my thank you cards and to bank a cheque. Although it does mean I've not left the flat all day.

My night was spent tidying up my room and putting the covers back on my bed which I inevitably left until the minute I wanted to sleep. I was too busy to take a decent picture or see anything interesting! I can't wait for the girls to arrive tomorrow!

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