Rob Groucutt

By robgroucutt


I heard on the news that on Wednesday we will have a Blood Moon so I figured I should do some practice beforehand.

Even though the lens I borrowed my brother goes to 300mm, I cropped in a little to make the moon fill the image more but as such the image quality was reduced. I took the opportunity to shoot some images in RAW, which I never do (apparently the professionals do). Interestingly, even though it seems I have more control over editing the image, the image quality was comparable and actually Mrs G and I preferred the smaller JPG image.

Even so, I'm a little spooked that the surface appears to have lights and even massive roads coming away from the lights. Or do I just have a wild imagination?

I'm not sure how Wednesday will come out but I'm already thinking how I can make it a little different to this one. If only to avoid the worry that people will think I've just added a red filter to this image.


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