Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Under Pressure

Got drenched on the way to the workhouse this morning. Fortunately we have tumble dryers, so the journey home was a tad drier.

Nothing madly eventful happened today until we had a few comical moments in the camera club. We had one of those where were you?/how did you do it? evenings and with most of the members being on the wrong side of 70~80 years of age, computers are not their hot points. To be fair it took me a while to get used to the over sensitive mouse while demonstrating the use of curves. But what made us younger members laugh was the fact the one of the older chaps was trying to put a CD into the laptop via the loading tray. After a few moments of difficulty another (older, still) member decided to help. Both at this point had their glasses on their heads squinting like mad trying to find the eject button. Then Sue, a slightly younger member shouted "you are looking on the wrong side of the laptop!!"
We all p!ssed ourselves. For Poondash, the youngest member shaking his head, this was torture, though he did try to laugh it off.

This reminded me of that classic scene from Toy Story, where Mr. Potato Head gets all panicky while trying to put the AA batteries back into one of those Tomy walkie talkie radios.

It was either a lazy blip in the house or a night shot on the way home. The latter it was. Here are some more on Flickr.


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