
By Kiteseeker

Falling Foss

On a rather dull and overcast day neither of us really fancied a run or bike ride. We decided to look for a walk which we had not done before. We finally hit on a route along May Beck off the road to Whitby.

The walk was new despite having visited Midge Hall and Falling Foss from a different direction. It proved to be an inspired choice giving an undulating path alongside the stream and returning back through a mix of beech and pine woodland.

Fortunately I took my tripod as I thought there may be an opportunity to play with the shutter speed at the waterfall.

What was a bonus was that we left Pickering in the wet but the weather was much better by the east coast so we enjoyed a dry walk returning to the car just as the rain started to fall.

Certainly a walk to repeat as the Autumn colours develop.

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