Wot! no curlews?

As the sun was out this afternoon, I tootled along to Blackness Castle. The tide was right in, and half the castle is under maintenance, but I noticed that there were a lot of waders perched on rocks snoozing and waiting for the tide to recede. I went into the castle garden and peered gingerly over the wall. The birds took no notice of me so I got out the binoculars and camera.

I think these two are a godwit of some kind (the book shows them both looking much the same to me) and a sandwich tern. I also saw wigeon, shelduck, red shanks, and a grebe which I think was possibly either Slavonian or black-necked although the book doesn't show them this far north. It was a long way away, but didn't look like a great crested from the way it was holding its head. And loads of various kinds of gulls.

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