
By bivbov

Bath time mayhem

Just after this, it all ended in tears. It usually does! But having not had a nap all day, Noo was on the edge. He was also traumatised because I'd washed his hair, and earlier in the day I'd taken him to get it cut!! It was a failed mission - he still has his mullet :-(

I've been a bit lazy today! I had about 8 hours sleep (gasp!) and a cup of tea in bed. GravyC took ZQ to school and I dropped Noo at nursery for 9am. I went for a 10k run then spent the rest of the morning lounging about in PJs. I had morning coffee in bed as it was cold in the house, and accidentally stayed there!!! I did manage to wash a few pots before getting Noo at 2.45pm. We went to the hairdressers and Noo was rescued by ZQ and GravyC before he lost his golden dreadlocks!! I consoled myself with another little run and 45 minutes of outdoor circuits (in the rain).......

Tomorrow I take my big boy to look around his 1st choice secondary school :'(

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