
By Fisherking

........I deserve this.......

This knee is really getting me down...........can't really be arsed with any thing.

A week of pain meant that on Friday evening I had no interest in I decided every thing had to go and we would have some us time.......the Daughter and I ate together.........the Boss came home from work...........we had a drink together and an early night.

Saturday....a quick trip to see the afternoon pottering..........and a visit to a friend's for drinks and supper.

Sunday..........I went fishing........the Boss spent the day in the garden.

I was really feeling no inclination to post any more blips....ever............but I still took some shots which I have back blipped.

Today a busy work day...........and a Club meeting tonight. Shaun has gone away for a short break so I stood in for him as Secretary..........everything went well........delivered the report....took awkward questions...........and then the shit hit the fan!

A question from the floor to another committee exception to being insistence that the question be answered..........and then a sulk/spit of the dummy of epic proportions.........culminating with the committee member throwing his meeting papers in my face and storming out.............and I smiled sweetly...........and said to the meeting......."That's that item finished gentlemen......any other business?"

So I reckon I've earned this beer............and strangely enough....despite the fact that my knee is giving me hell for the fifth day in a row............I feel totally I guess you're stuck with me for a while yet!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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