
A little girl slept again to an hour that is one more than 5. dont want to jinx it by saying

Up and out and at nursery door for eight. How I'm going to do two drop offs at eight and be in work for just after eight I don't know. Will cross that bridge when we come to it.


Finally got to the weaning talk, no major changes. Good to refresh. Headed to sainsburys looking for something for Wom to wear to his christening. Had horrible, vile woman serve me who reduced me to tears. Got home and emailed a complaint.

Spent the afternoon cuddling little man. Collected a tired little girl who fell asleep in the car, two minutes after collection (no day sleeps at nursery anymore due to big girl room). Very tired girl once home. Everything was why?

Just love the dribble on her chin in this blip

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