Year 2, Day 261 - Rushed

I took a half day today so that Dale and I could go to the open day at the University of the West of Scotland - and thankfully I checked the email, otherwise we would have ended up at the Hamilton campus instead of Paisley!!! Had it in my head it was Hamilton...

Anyhoo, Dale didn't get a good vibe from the lecturer we spoke to or the 4th year student that showed us around... I didn't particularly like the place either. It just didn't feel the right place for her! That's that one scored off the list! Glasgow Uni next...

Stopped off at Tesco on the way home then caught this sunset on the way home. Didn't have my camera (again? I hear you say!!!) and knew I wouldn't have time to pick it up and go back out with it as the sun was setting very fast, so a poor phone shot it is!

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