Old Cemetry

Set in the middle of the Albert Town camping ground and reserve is a fenced off area. It is the early settlers cemetery. There are about twenty graywacke stones with names scratched into them (they are a fairly hard stone) these have been formed into a central plinth. You can just make out a few of the names.

Albert Town was here before Wanaka, as it was the early crossing place of the Clutha River and access to the West Coast. Folk camped here till the ferryman could take them across. The Ferryman's house is still here as a B and B. In fact my parents honeymooned here. I will not say how long ago!!

This area is popular in summer. In winter a few hardy or well equipped types stay. The camp fee is about $5 per night for which there is a couple of taps and a toilet block. A jet boats drove past just as I took the photo.

The hill behind is the double peaks of Mt Iron.

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