
By HowWonderful

Today I am Three Months Old

Three months today! What a big boy!

Well I've had a lovely third month. My Nain and Taid came from the UK to stay with me. How nice it has been to meet them and get to know them both. We went on a mini-holiday to Hervey Bay, I've been swimming a few times, listened to live music, been to yoga, my first markets, a couple of baby showers and several picnics.

I am getting to be a big strong boy now. I can roll over from my front to back, hold my own weight on my legs and I am really trying to sit up by myself! I am making a lot more sounds now and talking to whoever will listen, sometimes I even crack out a happy little tune. I have even learnt how to giggle heartily. I still love kicking around happily at bath times and I can almost float independently on my back when mummy takes me swimming. My happiest place is still lying my change mat giggling up at my beloved farm mobile and I also love lying in my cot gazing at the stars all around me.

I am still sleeping well at night and I am learning to sleep better during the day (but usually I am too worried about missing out on something). I am a very active little man and I am rarely still...even in my sleep. Mummy says she knew I would be lively before I was even born because I wriggled around so much in her tummy!

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