
By Purplepants

Teaching aids

- well toot waiting to be put away again somewhere really!

I am doing 'Reuse, Reduce and Recycle' work with my year 4s and I took in a carrier bag of things I might have in my 'rubbish bin' to school on Monday for the lesson.

The Spiderman was an 'outgrown toy', and one of the dishes' a piece of china left from a broken set...' There was also one of Fred's old frayed shirts, an empty plastic bottle, a glass milk bottle, a foil dish from our takeaway etc
The task was to decide what to do with them to be the most useful and least
Some of the boys were keen to re-home Spiderman and Fred's shirt ended up in the art room for a pinny... you get the picture!

The dragon mobile is just waiting to be fixed - some of its string is broken.

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