Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

9 months today!

Well the title says it all... Little man is 9 months old already.

He is into absolutely everything at the moment. If it's left within grabbing distance, he will have it! And he will try to eat it! Especially mobile phones. He is also getting very vocal about getting what he wants. If you move something out of reach, he's not happy till you give it back! His favourite game at the moment is peekaboo. If he gets hold of a tea towel or a small blanket he loves putting it on his head and then squeals with delight as he pulls it back off whilst I clap and say peekaboo to him. He can sit for ages doing it over and over again. It really is very very cute to watch.

Another day of work & nursery today. Nana & Pops had the kiddies in the afternoon and they all got on really well. P had a great time playing in the garden with pops. Nana successfully got A to have a nice long afternoon nap. They were both sat happily having their tea when I got home.

A's sleeping has also improved over the past two nights. Teething and a cold was not a good combination! Fingers crossed that he is over the worst now and we can all get a bit more much needed sleep.

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