Mix and Match

Yes, I'm over this series now.

It's been another el scorchio day with more sweat-drenched students.

Great that we are finally seeing some summer. Is it churlish to say that I wish it had come at a weekend or during the holidays when I could slob around in jandals and shorts ....

Speaking of shorts (as I was), I can't find my only pair that fit. They seem to have disappeared into the abyss. B blames Cousteau. I'll just have to sweat it out, I guess.

Just managed to burn some rhubarb I was 'stewing'. Another thing to sort out.

Asthma still playing up and I'm tired and cranky.

Oh, and I think I might be lactose intolerant.

Bah humbug!

Actually, I'm not grumpy at all. Just tired. I think I might hit the hay.

Night all.

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