Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO

My daily reminder!

I'm coming up to a 1000 consecutive Blips.
It may be a turning point.
I feel my Blips are starting to lack finesse and commitment and I'm a poor member of the Blip community rarely engaging with other Blipites.
I need a SWOT analysis:
I've nearly done 1000. - how can I give up?
I love the Blip community.
It makes me look at my world in a different way every day.
I love having a picture record of my life.
It can be a daily chore especially if you live a fairly routine but busy life!
My friends and family quite like my daily Blips on fb.
I could make an effort to try harder to produce better pictures and engage in the community more.
I might regret giving up.

1. Do nothing
2. Stay on Blip but improve my commitment
3. Stop at 1000

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