Loch Harlaw

This small loch is an infrequent feature of our north- and west-looking windows. I am putting it forward as the most dramatic of evidence of climate change. It occurs irregularly, but several times a year, often much larger than today. Carbon emissions do not seem to affect it. I am looking forward to when dinghy racing can take place.
I call it Loch Harlaw because the hill behind it is the site of the great Battle of Harlaw, 1411, when there was a match between the Western Highlands and Isles in the reddish kilt strip and the Aberdeenshire Lairds and Loons in a mixed kit. Both sides claimed victory, and as there was no referee we must declare a draw. The MacDonalds and their team retired to the West with little booty. One of the Aberdeen/ Aberdeenshire forwards, Provost Davidson, was among the many casualties.

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