Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner


Our day today!

Isaac fell and bumped his head as we were leaving playgroup this morning and now has a cracking lump on his forehead.
Elliot emptied the wipes packet several times today.
We have a new favourite TV programme Bing it's so lovely and gentle and perfect for little ones.

Our sleeping seems to be a little better again but we will see (I don't trust them).

Another bottle has gone! We have our morning milk in our cups whilst we eat our breakfast. Just our bed time bottle left I'm not ready to get rid of that yet.

New shoes are needed I think our feet are getting a bit big for the ones we have now so shoe shopping on Saturday.

Bake off time now, this time last year I was catching up on the GBBO on the I player as the boys refused to sleep. How times have changed (most of the time)

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