It's difficult to get a decent photo of the moon with my camera, so I decided on a compromise. Using the glow of light from our lounge, together with the glow of the moon I thought I would do a different sort of moon scene! We went over to my Dad's today and it was wonderful driving back east with the full moon shining ahead of us all the way. The forecast had been pretty awful for the evening but it was clear apart from a few drifting clouds.
We all went to choose a new television this afternoon. I wished we hadn't taken my Dad, as there was nowhere for him to sit other than to perch amongst the televisions! I asked for a chair for him, but they said they didn't have any and we were in there for an hour and a half! Anyway, we eventually got sorted - my voucher for the written off TV meant that we ended up having to go to three different computers in order to deal with all the various aspects of purchase!! But eventually, our Samsung TV was bought. We were a bit torn between that and a Sony, but the Samsung won because the picture was much smoother and I preferred the sound. The Sony's colour was better though. But we have bought a special CD that will take us through how to set up the picture perfectly on the Samsung. The new TV will be delivered next Tuesday afternoon :-))
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