Upside down.

This is the corridor that leads to the garden where I eat my lunch. It is getting a bit chilly for sandwiches on a park bench, but I am persevering until the weather is truly rubbish. I find that half an hour in the fresh air makes a big difference to how I feel in the afternoon.

Unfortunately I turned it 90 degrees the wrong way. Never mind.

Got home to find a card from the Post Office. Since I'm busy tomorrow night I hopped on the bus out to Telferton. There was one man on duty and fifteen folk in the queue. Having already made the journey I decided to wait and I put my earphones in and listened to ZZ Top for forty five minutes. I will say this, every single person in the queue sympathised with the Posty because he was working alone, and not one blamed him, nor gave him grief.

Folk can be nice sometimes.

The two year old running wild round the floor was a horror though.

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