
By blipblog

Unstaged nominations

The tension mounts...!

The Unstaged Officials have finished collating, checking and compiling the Scotland at Play submissions, so now it's over to you - the Blipfoto community - to vote for your favourites.

We've put together a dedicated section on the website which lets you browse all the complete submissions in one place and, providing you have five or more entries in your journal, vote for your three favourites:

Click here to view the submissions and vote for your favourites

You've got until 1pm GMT next Wednesday (3 March) to cast your votes, after which the 10 submissions in each age category with the most votes will go forward for final judging.

This officially marks the end of the Scottish restriction on Unstaged too - we're depending on the whole community to play its part in deciding which of these go forward to the judges, then the next big worldwide competition will be open to everyone, everywhere.

That's it - as usual, any questions or problems, leave a comment below.

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