Family Dog

By Family_Dog

would you Adam & Eve it?

I was going to start off today's blip by saying something along the lines of 'Even (insert name of Noah's wife here) decided to stay indoors today' - in response to the hideous horizontal rain snow snain that is today's weather, but I have much greater fish to fry now.

Being part of the heathen agnostic massive, I didn't actually know what Noah's wife was called (though I do know he had a son called 'Ham' - proof indeed that it is the comedic side of life that penetrates my giant bubble of a brain rather than anything remotely useful), so I took to the google centre in search.

Can you believe, that this poor woman wasn't actually given a NAME in the bible? This poor bloody sod who had to name one of her sons after a toastie filling, raising (at least) 3 children whilst her god fearing, project driven husband spent night and day in the garage banging and sawing and obsessing about his ark, THEN had to assist with the feeding and maintenance of at least 800 pairs of animals (some of which were woman-eating) AND assisted with the culling of new crazy species (I'd imagine, given that a bit of animal rumpy pumpy in such a small space would probably cause a bit of cross breeding etc) this woman - didn't even get a name?!

That's gratitude for you eh?!

Just as well I've spotted this! And lo, without a hint of smiting or striking or repenting anything or anybody, from here on in, in the great land of Scotland, Noah's wife will be namedeth Maude.

Ahem, so where was I? Oh yes - my original point:

Yuck. Even Maude decided to stay indoors today

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