Now my day started sort- of ok! Except just as I was going out of the door it fell down with rain, oh well cover your head and make your way to the garage! On my way to the GP I saw the most wonderful rainbow, I didn't have to wait long for the Dr as in the main my surgery is on time with appointments, I was there to investigate recurring headaches, the Dr was very thorough and gave me explanations that seemed to make sence, however he said we'll keep an eye on it, whatever that means!!! Next I needed more mounds of medication!! so this he sorted and sent it via internet to the chemist! Now I didn't want this set- up but was persuaded months ago at the said chemist, you don't need to come here but there could be a benefit if you can't get to the GP but if you sign this form it still doesn't affect your rights to go where it is more convienent!( DON'T DOIT!!) I am now locked into the said chemist!!! Of course the computer only works when you press the right number of keys (do you see where I'm going with this ??) so I collect my prescription, but feel there is something missing the pharmacist assures me this is correct, when I get to the car I'm still not happy and check again, I was right a tablet left out, back in the chemist, oh said the pharmacist I'll need to order it for you. Back home unpacking my depleted medication guess what I realised yet another one was missing, on phoning the chemist, no problem she said we'll order that one also, no problem, no problem of course there's a problem I've only half of my prescription???? My next appointment was to collect my glasses, I waited a short while to be seen but that didn't matter a very nice lady attended to me ,on fitting the glasses they were too loose so off she went to a just them on her return she said I'm very sorry Mrs E but I need to send these back I've chipped the lens! Arrrh ..... But you can take the distance ones the readers should be in next week, emm , I sort of needed the readers!!! So having had two unsuccessful appointments I headed off to M and S , now should I buy knickers or coffee? ........ oh hang it I'll have both. After all what is a girl to do!!!!!!
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