Retirement in Montana

By tomtaylor

Highway Fatality Marker

The Montana American Legion White Cross Highway Fatality Marker Program began in 1953. The crosses are made of 4" metal painted white and are 12" wide and 16" long. They estimate over 2,000 fatality markers have been erected along Montana highways. This marker is between Kalispell and Libby and is placed on a curve on a two lane highway. As you can see, there are many small crosses in the big one. I don't know the story behind it and every time we pass it, I wonder if it was due to one accident or many accidents. When we first moved to Montana, there were two things that really bothered me. One was seeing all the deer along the side of the road that had been hit and the other thing was seeing all the crosses. Most of the accidents were due to careless driving and not paying attention to their surroundings. Some were from black ice and weather conditions. This cross was a double whammie when I saw it. Please drive safely.

This little saying came thru my email today and thought I would share it with you.

Things You Can't Recover

The Stone - after the throw
The Word - after it's said
The Occasion - after it's missed
The Time - after it's gone

Have a nice and safe day

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