Bonding Trip to St Michaels Mount.
So, today the college took us on a Bonding Trip to the amazing St Michaels Mount. I've lived in Cornwall all my life and whilst I have been to the actual Mount, I have never been 'up the mount' or in the castle so, as you can imagine, I was rather looking forward to it. When we arrived, we got given a 'word' and we had to take photos that would represent that word. My word was 'cheeky'! I'll be totally honest - I found this rather tricky. I managed two or three.. couple of girls having a cheeky fag, a Second year student pulling a cheeky face as I took a portrait and just generally trying to capture the cheekiness but it really was hard. Anyway, you'll notice that I haven't blipped a 'cheeky' photo.. Just thought I would post a lovely pic of the actual Mount and if you're ever down this way - it really is well worth the visit. (Even though it took me 36 years to get there!!)
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