A Little Piece of Time

By Alittlepiece

The best day at work ever!!

Because Lee came with me...after a bit of a scary night of him being sick I decided that he wasn't going to daycare he was coming with me to test the cattle.

He did so well I took him to places that no ordinary kid get to go to all in one day...first was a contractors place for him to see all the machinery, then off to go 4x4 driving in some lifestylers paddock, then off to test some heifers and Lee got to be a monkey climbing he rails and telling the girls to 'get up get up', next was some scary bulls, i pulled up and there was a digger working in the paddock right where i needed to park the truck...perfect Lee was happy in the truck and I had some Jelly for him to eat while I was doing the bulls. Then off to this place, we pulled up and a tiny puppy came running to greet us...Lee was happy being in charge of the puppy while we did that cattle

He did so well no once did he complain, he asked me some amazing questions and he saw so much. I had the best day with my little man.

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