Rule Number 1 - always check before you go out that your camera battery is full.
Rule Number 2 - make sure the spare camera battery is in your pocket.
Rule Number 3 - if all else fails, use the iPhone.
No prizes for guessing what I did today - so despite blipping a couple of pink things today for the BCAM challenge, they weren’t that brilliant, so I had to resort the iPhone - and this is the result - a Pink bling bag. The pink Japanese Anemone would have been better, but then again, someone might like this bag.
Good job we are all different and have different tastes, or this would be a pretty boring world. Looking at the bag again, I see it has a distinct initial “E” so if you are a friend, and your name begins with an E, then you just might be the recipient of this gorgeous bag and as we all know, Christmas is coming!
One bonus whilst we were out was watching a spider spinning its web on an Escallonia bush - it was truly amazing to watch but sadly it wasn’t near enough to the pink flowers - and I didn’t want to get too close in case I broke the web, and that would have upset me and the spider!
Please click on this LINK so that someone can have a free mammogram. Many thanks.
“Normal is an illusion.
What is normal for the spider
is chaos for the fly.”
Charles Addams
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