A photo of...

a photo of our gorgeous rabbit Harvs.
He died a long time ago...
We loved him! :-)

Mr K wasn't a dog lover when I met him. He'd had a bad experience as a child and was afraid of them...

Harvs was the 'warm up pet' in my long term plan to get Mr K to agree to a dog. Once Harvs had won his heart, I knew that if I worked hard enough at it, Mr K could be coaxed into getting a dog.
A few years later and I was dog hunting...
My aunt suggested a Border terrier. :-)

I found a litter with available pups about a day after Mr K said yes! I think he was expecting a longer 'transition period', but I'm quick when I really want something!

Now Mr K and Alfred Dog are inseparable best mates!

Harvs the rabbit made it possible. THANK YOU Harvs! x

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