
By Fi

Piwo. Czech Style

Maja and Aga arrived from Warsaw this afternoon for a training course tomorrow, so we and our colleagues left work on time and found a suitably Czech bar in which to drink Czech beer. We were two Poles, a Slovakian, a Czech, a Macedonian, an American (and me). Lots of accents, languages and stories to tell, which made for a good couple of hours. Moved onto another bar for some food and live music before having a night-cap in the Irish bar, down the road from the hotel. It was raining too, which came as a big surprise, so it's not as if we were missing out on sight-seeing.

I would have trundled back downstairs to blip from the lobby when I got in (no in-room web access) but I was tired and just wanted to jump in the shower, because I absolutely stank of smoke, and go to bed. I even slept with the window open because the room was so warm but I was woken up, (and let me tell you a brass-band could walk through my bedroom and I wouldn't hear it) by the sound of snow and ice crashing down from the higgledy piggledy rooftops onto lower-level flat roofs (I want to say rooves). What a noise.

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