By AmandaHallPhoto

Just the Tonic!

October Word Challenge - Glass

This is a glass of tonic water - I promise you!

I'm on another challenge of no drinking this month part of the Stoptober Challenge for MacMillan nurses. So I"m drinking tonic water or any thing soft!

School pick up was eventful today. It was beautifully sunny one minute then it got darker and suddenly the heavens opened and it was one big deluge for a good 20mins. I had to pick up a Reception child and her sister who is in year 6. I felt like Jemima Puddleduck with 3 ducklings in tow except they weren't very waterproof or happy! And neither was I. My phone which was in my bag got wet - that's how wet we all were! So my phone is now in a bag of rice and hopefully drying out.

I'm told the weekend is going to be better. Hope you all have a good weekend and enjoy a glass of whatever you're drinking.

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