
By SpotsOfTime

World Mental Health Day

A long way to go ...

Time for a quick walk up Little Mell Fell looking towards Blencathra tucked up in the clouds - amazing constantly changing light, showers, rainbows, dark and light wherever you looked ... a perfect fit for WMHD 2014 ...

... and a beautiful poem by Derek Walcott ...


Let the day grow on you upward
through your feet,
the vegetal knuckles,

to your knees of stone,
until by evening you are a black tree;
feel, with evening,

the swifts thicken your hair,
the new moon rising out of your forehead,
and the moonlit veins of silver

running from your armpits
like rivulets under white leaves.
Sleep, as ants

cross over your eyelids.
You have never possessed anything
as deeply as this.

This is all you have owned
from the first outcry
through forever;

you can never be dispossessed.

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