Looky, looky! No sling!

My photographer friend who took this picture said I looked like I was surrendering, but that's definitely not the case. I just want you to see that I have graduated from the sling, and I can hold both hands up in the air. Granted, the right arm doesn't have the mobility it should have, not yet anyway, but it's getting there. Unfortunately the therapist said that I shouldn't hold the SLR up yet, so I guess I'll continue with the pocket cam for awhile. Just for comparison's sake, I had her take today's blip in the same place (and in the same clothes) as this one, taken on the day I broke my arm.

Thanks for your continued encouragement, Blipfriends. I'm looking forward to the day when I can go back to the park every day for pictures of the deer, birds, dogs, and more.

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