So today was a day to sleep in, then get organizing the rest of my time here. Day didn't start too well as it was raining, but that cleared up by midday, although there is a bakery on the ground floor of the hotel, so that is the smell I wake up to in the morning, which is extremely pleasant. Anyway, I managed to arrange my day out on Friday, which I'm looking forward to more now. It wasn't as easy as I first thought but all is in order now and its going to be a good day. The other thing i needed to sort out was tomorrow and the plan was to go diving all day, and hopefully get in a night dive. The downside to that is, the weathers taken a turn for the worse and they told me that if the wind and currents stay the same for tomorrow, then all diving is off. I have my fingers crossed but it doesn't look to promising. Gutted.
Spent the rest of the afternoon watching the Inter-Chelsea game and having a big lunch and a few beers. I had to watch it in the kind of place I hate going to, but luckily it was fairly empty and it was the only place showing it, so I settled in for the game and thankfully went the whole game undisturbed, other than my waiter keeping a constant flow of beers coming my way.
Heading out for dinner in a bit, then an early night with fingers and toes crossed for good weather tomorrow.

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