Roseberry Topping

This is the view from the ground at the end of the land belonging to the cottage we're staying at with Doreen, Barbara and David for the week.

Roseberry Topping is a distinctive hill, an outlier of the North Yorks Moors whose shape is the result of faulting and possibly mining subsidence.

I've heard of Roseberry Topping before in my professional capacity so it was easily recognisable as we drove to the cottage.

An straightforward, largely uneventful journey from Kent only enlivened by one or two torrential downpours north of York. Stopped for coffee and lunch at Peterborough but apart from that the journey was uninterrupted.

A very pleasant cottage, 3 bedrooms, 2 ensuite and the other with a separate bathroom. Only recently converted and renovated. More room upstairs than down, it's quite cosy downstairs where I'm sitting now.

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