My happy little life

By khoola

Does my bum look big in this?

We don't use disposable nappies. This surprises most people. I'm not some kind of tree-hugging, earth mother type, but it's one of the few prinicples that I had before I had baby number one that I not only kept after I had him, but also kept through to baby number 2, and there aren't many prinicples that made it that far!

Modern "real"/washable/reusable nappies are nothing like the terry towelling squares our mothers used to use. They're shaped, there's no folding, they have Velcro, so no pins, and there's no soaking - you just bung them in the washer. They are absolutely no more hassle than using a disposable. If you have a baby then your washing machine's always on the go anyway. I use them because it's cheaper, they're more effective (no nasty "number 2" leaks!!), and to make my small contribution to reducing the mountains of rubbish in landfill sites. I know my little effort hardly makes any real difference, but at least I know I tried to make the world a cleaner place for my babies to grow up in.

I'll put my soapbox away again now.....

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