everyday another photo

By sarahphilp


Poppy was explaining the different positions in ballet.

We read little miss helpful tonight and when I asked if she would let little miss helpful help her she thought for a wee while and then said no...but I wouldn't be rude. I would said 'oh thank-you little miss helpful but I think you should just watch the television and I will make us some dinner' and I would out the television on for her.
What if she offers to help you make dinner?
I would just say 'oh thank-you little miss helpful but you should just let me do it for you' and then when the dinner is ready I will put it carefully on the table for her and then pull the chair out so she can sit down.

Poppy then went on the explain that when little miss hugs is 'published' that will be her favourite book because I like to give hugs too...I also like little miss chatterbox because I'm always chattering, even when I'm asleep...see (fake sleeping) 'chatter, chatter, chatter'...hmmm yes I think I see...!

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