Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Happy Birthday, R2D2!

Three years ago, during Occupy Portland, a small group of unhoused people left the Occupy camp (which was in a public park) and established a camp for themselves on some vacant privately-owned land a few blocks away and called it Right To Dream Too (or R2D2 for short). Despite many threats, fines, and orders from the city and the business community, that camp is still functioning, and it is a place of order and safety. Unhoused people pay $1 a night to stay there, and once they meet certain community requirements, including respect for others, service to the group, and sobriety, they can set up their own private tents on the land.

One of the entertainers at today's birthday party was this talented unhoused pianist who calls himself "Smoky Box" and was once the subject of a CNN news report. He rides his bicycle all over the country, plays his own compositions when he has access to a piano, and says he is inspired by God to make music "to soften people's hearts so God can do His work with them."

More pictures of the people at the celebration are here.

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