Up North

By Carwij


When I said yesterday that I was going to do a flowerblip today, I thought it was going to be an easy blip. Sigh.... Never think thát before you plan something. I managed to make 193 shots of several flowers in the bunch in many different ways and with different camera's (the Panasonic and the good old Konica).
I discovered that it's not funny to find out áfter taking 69 shots and áfter uploading them on the pc that Dirk had been smelling the flowers when they were standing on the table. The smelling was not so bad, but did he had to rub his fur against them so that the flowers got covered with orange cat hair? And is it fair that my eye's only spotted them on a large screen?
Thén I had to pick out the right one for Blip, which took me severel hours to make a decision. I was busy all day....

The ones that didn't make it:

Ranunculus 2

Ranunculus 3

Ranunculus 4

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