Running Deer

Stealthily creeping along the hedgerow to where I'd seen the deer from some distance away, she shot like a bullet out from the undergrowth. I don't know who was more startled. Grunting she let out a warning to her two adolescent fawns and barked again as she flew up the field to where they were watching on the ridge.

It didn't matter that water from the sopping rain soaked grass was now penetrating to my feet, through my socks and boots; all that mattered to me was the wonderful sight and that I'd actually managed to get so close. Suddenly my day was transformed from a total lack of interest in going out and getting a blip, to being really rather good!

Things then only got better as I came across a buzzard after having done a uey going into someone's private farmyard by accident. Each moment got more exciting as I stopped the car expecting him to fly off, got the camera, changed the lens, took a shot, moved the car again closer, took another shot! He was obviously in his favourite hunting place atop this young pine tree and as I gingerly poked the lens out of the window he didn't move except to drop onto the grass presumably for mice or voles. Oh yes he'd seen me giving an over the shoulder look from time to time. What a treat to watch!

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