Ginger Cake.......

I started making this on Friday but part way through weighing out the ingredients the battery went in the scales. Despite pushing it back in and rearranging it decided not to play ball.

Bought a new battery on Saturday and finished the bake.

In the book it says that the cake is improved by leaving it wrapped for a couple of days, I did tell Geoff but it didin't stop him from having a large slice before we went out last night! Good job baked two.

Thanks to Secret Santa 2013, aka Tim, we went to Wembley arena last night to see Miranda. Quite funny.

A late night due to the departure from the car park and this afternoon I hit a wall, said to Geoff I needed to sleep, five minutes later was sound asleep on the unmade bed, two hours later I woke up a little spaced out and, dare I say it, grumpy :-)

The roast is well on the way to being finished now so I think he is okay and my snoring gave a lovely background noise to his Sunday afternoon!!!

Yesterdays distraction!

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