Happy Daze

By Dazed

The Stink Eye

I took two steps out of the front door this morning and slipped and fell on my knee and then my backside. Acrobatic, no? Not sure how I managed it but I ended up with a bruised knee, a soggy bum, dented pride and mud all over my Tunnocks Tea Cake bag.

I thought it was a very bad start and the rest of the day was bound to be dreadful but it actually went ok. I opened two new accounts at work and also had quite a laugh, and now Mr Dazed is cooking me a dinner of chicken stuffed with goats cheese and wrapped in bacon which is one of my calorific favourites. We don't have it very often as it's rather expensive to make. And - did I mention? - calorific.

And Yoshi is giving me the stink eye so all is definitely ok with the world.

P.S. She may look like she's smiling but believe me, that's definitely the stink eye!

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